Thursday, June 10, 2010

JUne Book Club with menu items

Hello everyone,

I thought I would send you a reminder. Book Club is at my house, 685 Park Dr. Hyrum, tomorrow, June 9th at 6:30 PM. Park Drive is really 1st north, the street before the one stop light in Hyrum, by the baseball park.

Joanne and I are hosting it together. We will discuss Greg Mortenson's books Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools.

Here is the menu:

BBQ pork for sandwiches and paper plates, cups and utensils--Joanne

Dessert--Becky& Nadine (my mom)



Fruit or veggie tray--Wendy

Drinks--Braidy & Brad

Chips--Vic & Zoey

Surprise and back-up for new moms--Marilynn

We had a great time! Joanne led a detailed discussion about the books. We missed all who couldn't make it.

Love ya!